BHBCo has Moved!
BHBCo is now located in Cheshire, Connecticut.
BHBCo is now located in Cheshire, Connecticut.
Of all the line items on an independent agency’s P&L, there are a few that always determine profitability. One of those few, maybe the most important, is sales compensation. We thought this Burke Ink piece might serve as a useful review for experienced agency managers, and as a primer for new ones.
Of all the subjects that make up the curriculum of management consulting for independent agencies, the poor cousin in the last two or three decades has been internal admin. Oh, it got lip service...
When I started consulting to independent p/c insurance agencies back in the 1980s, I began to observe that sales management was the most poorly performed of all the management functions. This inadequacy, as I saw it, was not universal but widespread.
I ended our last Burke Ink with the comment that I would follow up with observations on the impact of economic trends on agency value. Here they are.
I have been bullish on the independent-agency business for a long time...