Profitability & Productivity Analysis

Profit is the key to an agency’s ability to operate effectively and invest in its future, and it is the most important driver of agency value.  But because reported results do not always depict the most accurate picture, BHBCo assists owners in taking a closer look at their agency’s real underlying profitability.

And we take this analysis two steps further.  We help owners understand the sources of the underlying profit and how it translates into return on investment.

How productive is your staff? Are you getting the most out of your technology? Do you wonder how your agency compares to others in these measures?

In times of compressed profit margins, productivity improvements are the answer to continued success.  BHBCo has been evaluating and advising independent insurance agencies for over a quarter century on all aspects of this important topic.  We have helped them become more efficient and thus more profitable by identifying and implementing needed enhancements, like a keener understanding of the features their technology has to offer, a better division of employee responsibility, and a more-thorough training program for their staff.

Financial strength, implemented technologies, and insurance expertise are not enough for excellence.  Achieving that level of distinction requires an integrated approach that examines productivity as one of the many important issues of agency operations.